My Heritage and Culinary POV

Mandy's parents. Chef David and his wife/business partner, Ann, presenting a seafood dish


I’ve moved a lot in my life for various opportunities (four times just in the past five years)! Whether it was moving back to Los Angeles on my own at the age of 17, going to college in the Pacific Northwest or living in the Mitten State (Grand Rapids, Michigan) for two years for work, I’ve had to become self-reliant in making the food that I crave because it wasn’t always readily accessible in the locations I lived in, and money isn’t always abundant.

As I often mention, growing up with more than half of my family in the food business meant many yummy treats for me, always! Family throughout my mother’s side ran local food businesses in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. My Grandfather and Uncle ran a Hainanese chicken rice hawker stall, while my Aunt ran a curry laksa hawker stall for many years. At home, my Grandma and Mom loved cooking agak agak style (Malay term for "estimate"). They relied heavily on their intuition for flavors and somehow the dishes always turned out delicious! 🤣 My father is a Head Chef and has been working in the Cantonese-Chinese restaurant scene for the past 45 years. He owned and ran a successful Seafood Cantonese-Chinese restaurant in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for 15 of those years. My father says Cantonese-Chinese restaurants are a dying form of art as there is declining interest for people to enter and learn this type of labor-intensive work.

This website is dedicated to:

  • documenting and sharing recipes so the knowledge doesn’t disappear from this world, and
  • introducing lesser-known flavors and ingredients.
Follow me on my learning journey as I try new recipes, make my favorite ones at home, and document best-selling recipes from my father’s restaurant.

Check back often for popup-free recipes and other exciting updates!